By signing below, I am agreeing to follow the college program of study (i.e., take the necessary classes) to reach the educational goals for my selected major. I understand that an EAC counselor will review my transcripts each year to determine if I am making measurable progress towards my goals. If I am placed on either academic notice (if my grade point falls below 2.0) or progress notice (if the number of units with entries of W”, “I”, or “NC”, reaches or exceeds 50% of all the units I have enrolled in), I will contact an EAC counselor to discuss issues related to my probationary status.
Further, I am agreeing that to help me progress in my educational and career goals, I am authorizing the OC EAC Faculty/Staff to disclose information about me to qualified individuals within the VCCCD College system. This waiver shall stay in effect until withdrawn by the student.